Public Records

There are literally billions of public records dating back hundreds of years available that are useful for a range of purposes. The ones we are interested in though apply to the current day and have mentions of people’s names within them. You’ll find some public record sources are free and others will require a payment for access.

Electoral Records

Interest and access to electoral rolls in the UK is at an all-time high. As an official record, they contain a person’s full name and their address. Anyone can view the roll at a local registration or council office, however this is only a small sample of the UK itself. Companies have been gathering and compiling the data now for several years and will provide you access to searches for a fee.

Land Registers

You can conduct title and lease searches on property in the UK. The are premium searches and will require payment for access and records. You can find out the owner of a property, so if all you have to go on is an address, this will help you expand your reach.

Court Records

Whilst predominantly used for background checks, court records can also be an excellent starting point when searching for someone. Daily court lists provide a place and a time where a person will be attending. Court Records provide a searchable database of decisions and provide information as to the parties involved, including people.

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