192.com provides directory enquiries as well as a range of public records online. A basic search is available and offers a name and location search. An advanced search is also available that provides several extra options. These include age range, living with and address. Results provided are offered in free and premium forms.
Free results on 192.com are displayed in the form of an initial and surname as well as a partial address. To access the full free result you must first register on the site. This requires your name and email address, and entitles you to 20 free directory searches a day.
Premium results are displayed as a full name and city. Check marks display what information is available for that name including electoral roll, director info, neighbours and property price. Premium records attract a fee and registration is required.
Electoral roll and directory enquiries cost 1 credit per search. The cost for credits is as follows.
6 Credits - £14.95 + VAT (1 month expiry)
30 Credits - £29.95 + VAT
100 Credits - £49.95 + VAT
300 Credits - £129.95 + VAT
600 Credits - £199.95 + VAT
All other packages are valid for 6 months only.
* Prices at April 5th, 2019 and are subject to change without notice.